15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

An egg is a good source of protein and contains very little fat. Although how many calories are in an egg, It depends on its size. Let's know how many calories are in an egg dish: 

15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

There is also a saying about the benefits of eating eggs, whether on Sunday or Monday, eat eggs every day. This has been said keeping in mind the quality of eggs. Therefore, a person must eat one egg daily in his diet.

15 benefits of eating eggs

15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

➤Vitamin A (retinol) - Egg is the best source of Vitamin 'A'. Its carotene gets converted into vitamin A in the body and vitamin A is very beneficial for our eyes.

➤Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - It is found in egg white. It helps in physical growth and regulates and regulates hormones and keeps the skin beautiful, attractive, glowing. It also makes red blood cells.

➤Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - It is found only in natural foods. For good health, it is very important to include it in the diet. This is very important for the maturation of red blood cells. When it is deficient, the dreaded disease becomes anemia.

15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

➤Vitamin E (tocopherol) - Red blood cells are destroyed due to its deficiency.

➤Vitamin D - Vitamin D makes bones strong. If you feed your children one egg daily, then their bones will be strong as well as their growth will be good.

15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

➤Essential minerals in an egg - Eggs are an excellent source of iron, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. The egg contains about 27 milligrams of iron per 100 grams on an average. All of this is found in egg yolk.

➤Iron is very small in our bodies. Correct in small amounts but it is very important to keep the body healthy. Due to lack of it in the body, problems like tiredness, dizziness, breathlessness, pain in the feet, loss of appetite started.

➤Low-calorie protein An egg contains 12 - 14% protein. The yellow part of the egg contains 15 - 16% protein of the entire egg. The protein found in it is of very high quality which keeps a person's energy for a long time.

➤High-quality fat Egg contains 10 - 20% fat. Its fat is digested very easily, so there is no problem like gaining weight.
calories in an egg
15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

➤Healthy Brain - Omega 3, fatty acids and vitamin B12 found in eggs is good for the brain. It helps to increase memory. Eggs contain an element called choline that helps the brain make decisions.

Weight loss– The digestion of protein found in eggs is slightly slower than the digestion of other foods. Therefore, after a long time after eating an egg, the stomach is full, so that we eat less food. A protein called albumin is required in the morning. Therefore, eating 2 eggs in breakfast every morning is not only a rich breakfast but also fulfills the need for protein. 

➤Healthy immune system - Vitamin A, vitamin B 12, and selenium found in eggs helps in fighting diseases.

➤Strong muscles - An egg contains plenty of vitamin D, E, A which makes bones strong.

Get a healthy lifestyle with these 15 habits.

➤Egg benefits for hair growth - The sulfur, vitamins A and B12 in the egg helps in the growth of your hair. Apart from this, eggs also protect the hair from becoming white.

➤Disadvantages of eating raw egg - Many people have heard that eating a raw egg is more beneficial and easily digested but it is wrong. Ripe egg digests more thoroughly, so use it only after cooking the egg.

How many calories 

15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

Boiled Eggs: 2 pieces = 166.8 calories
➽Fried Eggs: 2 pieces = 159 calories
➽Scrambled Eggs: 1 slice = 115.7 calories
➽Egg Bhurji: 1 bowl = 223.7 calories
➽Egg curry: 1 bowl = 119.7 calories
➽Half fried egg: 1 piece = 120.2 calories
➽Poached Eggs: 2 pieces = 88.2 calories
➽Egg Omelette: 1 piece = 98.3 calories
➽Spinach Omelette: 1 piece = 168.6 calories

An egg is not only delicious in food but also has many health benefits. In addition to protein, eggs contain a large number of nutrients such as vitamins, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, lutein and cholesterol. Being an antioxidant in eggs, it is helpful in protecting against heart diseases and cancer. The calcium present in it makes teeth and bones strong. 
15 Tremendous Benefits Of Eating Eggs

Although eggs are eaten as a different dish, boiled eggs are considered to be the most effective in terms of health. If you think about health, you can use olive oil instead of butter to make it. If you are losing weight, avoid eating an omelet or fried eggs.
