These 10 Foods Prevent Heart Disease

food good for heart

Along with diet, a nutritious diet is also necessary for heart health. Due to physical fitness and a balanced diet, you can keep many diseases away from yourself.  Believe it is not too difficult. You just have to include these 10 things in your diet chart.

These 10 Foods Prevent Heart Disease

food good for heart

1. Fruit
Well, there is no break for fresh, seasonal fruits for health. But if you talk about heart health, then citrus fruits like pomegranate, banana, apple, berry are considered the best. They contain antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, and vitamins. By the way, citrus fruits people like to drink juice more, but if they are eaten whole, then their fiber also keeps our stomach clean.

food good for heart

2. Vegetables
Beans, Okra and Eggplant  Even if you do not feel good in your plate, but these fiber-rich vegetables help in reducing cholesterol from the body. If you do not eat it daily, then definitely eat it twice a week. 

food good for heart

3.Whole grain

10 Carbohydrates Food [ How much carbohydrate should be taken? ]

There are two types of grain products - whole grain and refined. Whole grain contains the whole grain-Bran, seed and endosperm are all present, Like Whole Wheat Flour, Oatmeal, Whole Cornmeal. While the refined grain is processed, In which bran and seeds are removed. In this process, most of the vitamins, iron and dietary fiber found in grains are lost.   Therefore, it is important for a healthy heart that you include flour, bread, etc. prepared from whole grains in your diet.

These 10 Foods Prevent Heart Disease

food good for heart

4. Yogurt
Yogurt contains probiotics that develop bacteria in the body that help to increase immunity. Eating curd is advised not only in summer but also in winter. Although there is a possibility of insects flourishing in the rainy season.

food good for heart

5. Fish
According to the American Heart Association, fish should be eaten at least twice a week for a healthy heart. Sardine, salmon, mackerel fishes contain omega-3 fatty acids that protect the heart.

food good for heart

6. Nuts
They may be small in size but are of great use. Vitamins and minerals are present in plenty in them. This is the reason that if there is hunger even between two miles, it is advisable to eat pistachios, almonds, mountain almonds, and walnuts.

food good for heart

 7. Chocolate
It has been proved in many studies that dark chocolate is the best for the heart. They contain flavonols which keep the blood arteries fixed. Also, high blood pressure is also effective in reducing risk.

food good for heart

8. Green Tea
Drinking green tea rich in anti-oxidants has many benefits to the body. That anti-oxidants are effective in reducing fat. Therefore, drinking one cup of green tea a day reduces the risk of heart-related diseases because body fat is the biggest cause of heart blockage.

food good for heart

9. Red Wine
The antioxidants present in red wine are not only good for the heart, but it also reduces the effect of free radicals present in the body. Red wine makes high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the body which has been considered as 'good cholesterol' in terms of health. However, only 150ml should be consumed. It contains 127 calories. Keep in mind, red wine has less calorie content than white wine.

food good for heart


Soya is important for heart health because they reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. Polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are also rich in them. Soy can be consumed in the form of beans, tofu or milk.
