Read This Rare Blood With Interest

We all know that there are variations in the blood group. A, B and o These are the types of blood. In this, the O negative blood group is placed in the rarest category in the world. But you will be surprised to know that apart from this there are many blood groups which are placed in the rarest category in the world. One of them is the Bombay Blood Group. This blood group is found in one in every 10,000 people in India and one in every 10 lakh people in Europe. This blood group was discovered 56 years ago. At the same time, there is another blood group which is also Rare, it is called 'Golden Blood Group'.

 Read This Rare Blood With Interest 

 Read This Rare Blood With Interest

The blood group first came to know in 1901,  Since then, there have been many interesting kinds of research on this. There are 8 types of blood groups - A, B, AB and O positive or negative. Only people with the same blood group may have their blood swapped. Differences in blood group: Molecules found in blood, called antigens and antibodies. Antigens found on the surface of red blood cells found in the blood are. And antibodies in blood plasma. The blood group commonly found in people is genetic. Learn about some interesting research related to this.

 Read This Rare Blood With Interest

A positive  (+)
Good leadership ability is seen among those who have a blood group A positive. People with a positive blood group can lead well. They walk with everyone Believes in getting everyone's trust. If your blood is group A positive. So you can take the blood of A positive, A negative, O positive and O negative blood group. 

 Read This Rare Blood With Interest 

 Read This Rare Blood With Interest
A Negative  (-)
People with a negative blood group are considered hardworking. Such people do not hold back from working. They have no refrain even in working hard and continuously. These people believe that there is no alternative to hard work. People whose blood is group A negative can be offered blood only to those with A negative and O negative.
Money depends on health

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AB positive  (+)
People with this blood group are not easily understood. It is very difficult to understand such people, No one knows them. Because their nature is never the same. AB is a positive universal receiver. That is, it can be given any blood by AB positive, AB negative, O positive, O negative, A positive, A negative and B positive and B negative.

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AB Negative  (-)
People with AB negative blood group have a very fast brain, they are considered very intelligent. People of this blood group easily understand everything. His mind understands everything that people usually ignore. If necessary, such people can be given AB negative, A negative, B negative and O negative blood.

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O positive  (+)
It is believed for the people of O positive blood group that they are born to help people. Such people do not hold back in helping others and can also spend their lives helping others. O positive is called a universal donor, But when you have to get blood, they can only be given O negative and O positive blood.

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O Negative  (-)
The thinking of this blood group is narrow. People with negative blood groups do not think highly of others, because they do not care for anyone other than themselves. Such people are narrow-minded. These people do not accept new ideas easily. People with O negative can only receive O negative blood.

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B positive  (+)
The heart of such people quickly understands the sorrow of others. People with this blood group do not hold back in helping others and can also sacrifice for others. Relationships matter a lot to these people. They always want to do something for someone. People with B positive blood group can be offered the blood of B positive, B negative, O positive and O negative blood groups.

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B Negative (-)
The tendency of people with this blood group is not considered good. Such people are selfish. Such people also do not believe in helping anyone. The attitude of these people is also negative. People with B negative can be offered B negative and O negative blood when needed.

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How common are
O and A positive blood group belongs to one of three men. On average, one out of every 12 men has a blood group B positive. O negative one out of every 15 people. A negative one out of every 16 people. AB positive one out of every 33 people. B negative is a blood group of one person in every fifty and AB negative one in every hundred.

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According to scientists, there are 342 antigens in the red blood cell and these antigens work together to form antibodies. The determination of any blood group depends on the number of these antigens. People normally have 160 antigens out of 342 in their blood. If there is a 99% reduction in its number in the blood, it is placed in the rare category. If this number reaches 99.99%, So it becomes more rare than rare.
