Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold

Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold

Golden blood means very precious. Rare blood which is found in very few people in the world. It is rare blood, which can save the lives of all people, the meeting of rare blood is equal to getting gold. Rare blood is called that which is not easily found. It is in the hands of God. Who is to be made rare and who is not.

Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold 

Everyone in the world thinks that people with this blood group must be very special. But this is not a reality, whose blood type is rare, for them this thing can become fatal at times.
Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold
The blood which is known as Rare or Golden Blood. His real name is RH NULL.

Why RH NULL? It is considered so special. Why is it compared to gold? RH NULL. What should the people with blood groups take care of? 
Fast fat burn How blood groups are decided

Red blood is made up of cells There is a layer of protein on top of them. Which are called antigens? 

Blood type A contains the only antigen. Blood AB has both and type O does not contain both. 

Another type of antigen is found in red blood cells, RHD. This antigen is part of the group of antigens of type 61 RH. When RHD in blood, it is called positive, and if not it is negatively screened.

In this way, all the same, 8 types of blood groups are identified and classified.
A+, A-,B+,B-.AB+,AB-,O+,O-

Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold

If a person with a negative blood group is given positive blood by mistake, it can be fatal for him. This is the reason why o - blood group eaters eat universal donors.

Harmful golden blood.

Rh null is different from all types of blood groups. 

If the antigen is not found in one's blood cell, then its blood type is considered RH null.

This blood type was first identified in 1961. It was written by Bailey. And it was found in a woman living in Australia. Since then, only 43 cases of this blood have been reported in the whole world.

Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold 

RH null considers blood type as a blessing of God or a curse.

This blood is universal in away. This blood is given to those with RH type, Can also be given to people without RH.
But very few such cases have come to light, as it is almost impossible to get it. Due to this, it is considered more valuable than gold.

According to the article Bailey, this type of blood is very valuable. Many cases have come to light in the blood bank, in which they donate blood without an address.

Why Rare Blood Is Compared To Gold

This blood means expensive.

Sometimes it is expensive to have a golden blood group, people whose blood type is RH null. They may have mild anemia.
If RH null is deficient in blood, then only RH null blood can be donated.
This blood type is difficult to find, people with this type are very rare if a donor is found in another country, it is difficult to bring blood.
